Script not working as intended

I’ve made a local script placed in StarterGUI and it is supposed to change the CFrame of workspace.CurrentCamera but when I join the game, the camera is stuck on the ground, not on the camera part.

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Camera.CameraSubject = workspace.Cam.Position

Camera.CFrame =

Currently it is facing at:

What it should face at:


You are setting the Camera’s CFrame at a random part. Change it to the CamPart’s CFrame.

Yes, I did. Forgot to update it. Doesn’t work.

Is there any error in the output?

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No, no errors in the output.

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The part’s LookVector is facing the helicopter?

No, the part’s front is facing the helicopter.

A strange thing is that when I tested the script, the output had error. CameraSubject accepts Instance, not Position, Camera.CFrame only works when it didn’t have’s what the error showed).


Those are the same things in this context. You can try manually pointing the camera to the helicopter.

Camera.CFrame = workspace.Cam.CFrame

Fixed the error, but same issue.


This is where I look at…

Fixed it, thanks!

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