Script not working, light not turning off

Lights (script.parent) will not turn off after clocktime 8 - 9, what did I do wrong and how can I fix it?
This is my script:

Is this the entire script? You’re going to have to constantly check to see if the ClockTime is set to greater than 8 or less than 9, rather than just checking a single time.

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It appears that your code is only running once right now, you could try to either wrap it all in a loop or connect it to a OnPropertyChangedSignal event for the ClockTime. e.g:

-- solution #1
while true do
   task.wait(60) -- time is adjustable
   -- your code here


-- solution #2
    -- your code here

Do take notes that solution #2 might not be as efficient (as is) as solution #1

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Works, forgot I needed a loop.

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local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")

	--Do code.

You can also utilise the less frequently used RBXScriptSignal object (event) named “LightingChanged”.

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