Script not Working

Hi all
I am was working on a script which will change certain aspects of lighting and it’s children when the player goes to sleep but the script wont run.In output the error which is showing up is R is not assigned to.I really dont know what that means and could really use some help identifying the problem.

-- local ProximityPrompt =script.Parent.Prompt.ProximityPrompt
local Dest = game.Workspace.Dest
local Desti = game.Workspace.Haha
local Lighting = game.Lighting


	for _, player in pairs(game.Players:children())do
		local char = player.Character
		char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Dest.CFrame
		char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Desti.CFrame                                             

while true do
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxBk = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxDn = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxFt = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxLf = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxRt = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SkyboxUp = ""
		Lighting.Sky.SunTextureId = ""
		Lighting.TimeOfDay = "13:00:00"
		Lighting.Brightness = 0.55
		Lighting.Ambient.R = 0
		Lighting.Ambient.B = 0
		Lighting.Ambient.G = 0
		Lighting.EnvironmentDiffuseScale = 0
		Lighting.EnvironmentSpecularScale = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Color.R = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Color.G = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Color.B = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Decay.R = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Decay.G = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Decay.B = 0
		Lighting.Atmosphere.Density = 0.9
		Lighting.ColorCorrection.Enabled =	true
		Lighting.ExposureCompensation = -1
		game.Workspace["Scary Ambience "].Playing = true		
		game.Workspace.Trigger.CanCollide = true
		game.Workspace.Trigger.Script.Disabled = false
		game.Workspace.ScriptRandomizer.Disabled = false

This is where the error is happening, when assigning colors you need to do it:


Same with Lighting.Atmosphere.Color and Lighting.Atmosphere.Decay