Script on lighting causing a weird bloom effect

So recently i was working on a horror game because i was bored, then i added some lighting effects. Once i added the lighting effects, the studio editing got really dark. So i decided to script this localscript,

local lighting = game.Lighting

lighting.Ambient =,28,65)
lighting.OutdoorAmbient =,28,65)
lighting.Atmosphere.Density = 0.8
lighting.Blur.Enabled = true
lighting.ColorCorrection.Enabled = true
lighting.SunRays.Enabled = true

and i thought it was all good. However, i decided to run the game, and it used to pop up like this.
Before loading in(without the lighting effects)

After loading in(with the lighting effects)

it causes this weird, glow effect, and i dont know how to fix it

ive looked around on the dev forum, but i couldnt find anyone talking about this
so yes, any help would be appreciated

if anyone wants to see the lighting with it enabled,
this is the lighting in roblox studio before loading it up in game-

That does look weird, I personally think it would be something to do with the outdoor ambient and the ambient. I’m no expert with lighting but try change both ambients to

lighting.Ambient =,255,255)
lighting.OutdoorAmbient =,255,255)

doesnt that kinda defeat the purpose of it being dark?
anyways, ill try it out

this actually fixed it, it is something to do with the ambient, but is there any way to fix it?

it’s because you’re doing Try Color3.fromRGB(0,28,65) or,28/255,65/255)

That’s a weird thing to experience, however, I think because the studio has a lower quality in the settings and when you join the game your quality is set to high so that is probably the reason.

Low Quality:

High Quality:

That is what I think.

As stated by @LuaDeveloped, that is likely the issue. The values of Ambient can go over the limit causing crazy colors to happen which may be the cause of your case.

Another thing, just change the values in Lighting beforehand so you can see how it updates. Doing it in script is unnecessary unless its changing.,28,65) will become: 0, 35035 (something), 52915821502 (something) basically, insanely large.

Using Color3.fromRGB() as he suggested should fix it.

thank you so much! changing it to Color3.fromRGB() worked for me, if anyone wants to know

ooo, yeah that makes much more sense now, thank you!

my quality was set to high on studio aswell, but its okay because i found out the solution

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