What do I want to achieve?
I want the script in this image to allow the health bar to reset after the player respawn. However, I can’t have the GUI’s “reset on spawn” enabled due to how I’ve coded the game.
The script allows the health bar to reset once the player resets, it’s just that there’s something keeping it from working inside the main game.
What is the issue?
I have a game that I’m working on but I always try the new features out in a studio testing world before releasing it to the main game.
However I encountered a problem, the health bar only works when I’m inside of testing world. Both in studio & when I’m playing it with someone else. But when I tried to use the same script inside the main game where it’s supposed to be, that’s when it stopped working after you reset.
What solutions have I tried so far?
I’ve tried using the same script inside of my main game, looked through other scripts that may cause issues but I found no problems at all. I even looked around online & on the forums without any success.
If you know how I could fix this, please let me know!