[Script] Randomized Text Generation with Tracery

Ever wanted randomly generator non-sense in your game? Or don’t want to be bothered writing actual dialogue and rather leave what your NPC’s say up to random chance?


Try out this generative text tool that lets you easily create random text! This is a Roblox-specific implementation of the common tool, Tracery.io.

This implements the following features from Tracery:

  • Able to create generative text using simple syntax and functions.
  • Ability to make modifications to text, such as capitalization, pluralize words.

Download/Usage: Check out this sample place for the example and scripts (TextGenerator and Tracery).


when haven’t we all

Just looked at source and realised it is pure lua, that is some realliy impressive code :smiley:


oh my god I need body lotions in my miserable life right now

But seriously, this looks interesting! Will this be updated with bug fixes and new features over time?


will this spiral out of control and start swearing?


Does it run through the chat filter?

It wouldn’t need to (unless there is a chance of bad phrases being formed, but this doesn’t seem to be the case). There is no player input that would have to be filtered against PII.


If you look at source you will see it’s just picking from a random selection of words and applying grammar checks to them, so if you haven’t inputed anything inappropriate this the list it shouldn’t do so.

is there a way to set the length of how many words are chosen?

nvm figured it out, you do it in the Text generator script