Script recovery showing up on game open in studio though I always save

Hello I’ve come across an issue while opening my game on studio to work on something, showing a ‘script recovery’ page saying I did not save my scripts before closing studio, which I always do.

I also see parts of the script missing for some reason.

I’ve tried saving several times, tried it in other studios, works there.


Screen Shot 2021-07-23 at 1.40.59 PM
Code on top used to say ‘SpeedCoil’ not ‘Sp’

I don’t know what’s causing this it started happening about 30 minutes ago. Any info appreciated.

(NOBODY was with me in the studio at this time)


Sorry for bumping but this issue still happens, I believe it’s because this setting:

Although it can be issues with team create sessions


I’ve been experiencing this problem for the past few weeks and it’s causing big issues, any confirmation on a cause or fix?

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Wrong category this should be In #bug-reports

I don’t believe they are regular

Doesn’t change the fact it should still be in #bug-reports. I have so many bugs like 10 big bugs that I want to report but I can’t cuz I’m not regular and can’t post there. So I wait patiently for regular. Just because your not regular and you can’t post in the right place, doesn’t mean you should take that opportunity to post in the wrong place.

Here is a simple solution: Use rojo instead.

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thing is an actual mod can change the category so… they can just request to do so, or wait patiently for a regular to see the topic and post it in bug reports

Yes i know this is a very old post, but i’m experiencing that right now and i don’t know what to do :confused:

check if team create is on even if you never turn it on. make sure its off. check if the automatic team create setting is turned on too. turn that off. then restart studio

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even though this post is very old. I am also having this issue now and am confused, it is saying “changes linked to team create” at the top right corner, but my team create is off :neutral_face: