Script repeats, when there is no loop

Hi, I have a problem. I don’t know if this is a roblox problem or my local script has something wrong with it. My character loads, I try to clone the billboard gui onto the character, and it does work, but it keeps on repeating. Cloning over and over again.

local Player  = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character =Player.Character
local Clone = script.Parent:Clone()
local db = false

if Character then
	if not db then
	Clone.Parent = Character
	Clone.Enabled = true
		Clone.Adornee = Character.Head

db = true

This local script is inside of a billboard gui, and the billboard gui is in startergui.

Can anyone tell me what exactly the problem is? Would help greatly!

The problem is that when you clone the gui, the script gets cloned because the script is the child of the gui. To fix this, you can parent the gui under starter character scripts without a script required.

Alright, I’ll try that. Also, thanks for finding the error.