Script returning error: "attempt to call a table value" from a table?


i’ve made a script which is supposed to find the objects inside of a folder, then pick them at random
on line 3 of this code, it always returns the error “attempt to call a table value” despite it calling a value from a table. im definitely doing something wrong, so i would appreciate some help, thanks!

local trinkets = game.ServerStorage.Cloneables:GetChildren()
local trinketspawns = script.Parent.TrinketSpawns:GetChildren()
local randomtr = trinketspawns()[math.random(1,#trinketspawns())]
local randomtrC = game.ServerStorage.Cloneables:GetChildren()
local randomtrC1 = randomtrC()[math.random(1,#randomtrC())]

local function spawnathing()
		randomtrC1.Position = randomtr.Position


local randomtr = trinketspawns[math.random(1,#trinketspawns)]
local randomtrc1 = randomtrC[math.random(1,#randomtrC)]

Change both of these to this and it should work

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remove the brackets () at the end, that’s calling the table

local randomtr = trinketspawns[math.random(1,#trinketspawns)]
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okay, i will give this a try. thank you!

The reason why it says that error by the way is because it thinks you’re using a method/function when it doesn’t exist.

For example, you call a function so that it runs by writing it like this:

local function DoSomething()


Same with a method:

local part = workspace.Part


Both of these are categorized as “calling” in lua, but obviously you can only call with methods and functions. Table values cannot be called. You can’t just do:

local t = {1, 2, 3}

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i appreciate the knowledge here, i will definitely be saving that for later,
but using the couple of lines you gave me previously, i managed to achieve the functionality of the script that i was looking for. i really appreciate the help!

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