Script Runner Gui for all sorts of Scripts

So basically, I’ve been working on this GUI that allows me to write a script and run it by the button, and when I was working on the functionality I figured I cannot change the script’s .Source to the code. No idea how to continue until I remembered that Adonis, the admin has a script runner command. How would I import the script runner command to function as the button’s Remote? I have a remote and everything but I just need it to import the script runner command. I will credit Adonis unless there is another way of doing this. I have looked at the Adonis Source and also figured out that it uses a lot of other modules and functions to even get it to do it. Anyone know another way of doing this? I’m aware that I can just run scripts by Developer Console but I just want a GUI, even if just using the Developer Console would be easier.

Image of the GUI

(Ignore the stupid send button text it was on purpose because I thought it would’ve been funny)

The Script

local Core = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Adonis.Server.Core.Core)
local Logs = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Adonis.Server.Core.Logs)
--repeat wait() until Core
	if plr.UserId == 103548428 or plr.UserId == 231991081 then
		print("An accessor, Great!")
		repeat wait() until Core
	--	local newscript = game.ServerStorage.ScriptBase:Clone()
		--newscript.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
		--newscript.Name = ""..plr.Name.."'s script"
		--.--newscript.Source = code
		local cl = Core.NewScript('Script',code)
		cl.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
		cl.Disabled = false	
		--Logs.AddLog("Script", "We do a little bit of testing.")
		--local new ="StringValue",newscript)
		--new.Name = "Execute"
		--new.Value = code
		--newscript.Disabled = false

Nvm. Decided to turn the GUI into an adonis command instead so I could call the NewScript Function.

I thought adonis already had a script command function…

It does but I was trying to use a completely different GUI and trying to call from Adonis’s source to use the script command function.

Got the thing working though so its fine for now