Script spams duplicating part when using CSG:SeparateAysnc()

Hey there,

I was messing around with the new Real Time CSG stuff by starting with a block that would cut through any part it touches

Everything works fine except i have to wait a bit before moving or else it just start duplicating the block im cutting into for no reason

i just want to smoothly move through the block to cut it like a laser as shown in the devforum announcement examples like the “laser tank”

Here is my script thats inside of the red part (the one thats cutting through the yellow part)

	local parts = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(script.Parent.CFrame,script.Parent.Size)
	for i,v in parts do
		if v.Color ==, 1, 0) then
			local success, newSubtract = pcall(function()
				return v:SubtractAsync({script.Parent},Enum.CollisionFidelity.PreciseConvexDecomposition)
			if success and newSubtract then
				newSubtract.Position = v.Position
				newSubtract.Parent = workspace

Any help is appreciated

oops wrong video let me fix it
Edit : The video is fixed now

Still need help on this even after a day