Script stops working when trying to WaitForChild("Humanoid")

My script, which is inside a tool, stops working whenever I try to create a variable for humanoid to play some animations.


For some time I was able to stop the bug by putting the variables into a tool.Equipped function like this


But the next day when I try to play animations it stops and gives me this

and the entire script stops and nothing works

I tried using using different methods but none of them worked


Have you tried defining the humanoid before the tool.Activated function


I have but it says “Attempt to index nil with WaitForChild”


This means that it can’t find the character, did you define that outside and before the humanoid?

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Yes, here is the code for the variables

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Try doing player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() when defining the char variable


Is the script a LocalScript or a regular script?

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Its a local script located in a tool

its a local script because if it wasnt then local player wouldnt have been found and wouldve errored

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Actually that isn’t exactly neccessary it’s better to define it outside of the tool rather then retrieve them every time the player activates the tool

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This worked! Thank you I used the player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

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