Script Support needed

Hello, I am trying to make a system so when you step on a part some GUI’s get visible. I am setting them to be enabled when you step on a part but it doesn’t work? Can anybody help? I can’t find anything when searching for it.

local Cam1 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera1
local Cam2 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera2
local Cam3 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera3
local Shop = game.Workspace.Shop
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local LeftArrow = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.LeftArrow
local RightArrow = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.RightArrow
local PurchaseButton = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.PurchaseButton
local ExitButton = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.ExitButton

	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		cam.CameraType = "Fixed"
		cam.Focus = workspace.FocusParts.FocusPart1.CFrame
		cam.CFrame = Cam1.CFrame
		cam.FieldOfView = 40
		game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.Enabled = true

Make sure they are Visible too

StarterGui is cloned to the player when they join the game, you have to use player.PlayerGui to get the gui instead.


I’m guessing this is a server script. Try this out instead:

local PS = game:GetService("Players")

local Cam1 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera1
local Cam2 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera2
local Cam3 = game.Workspace.ShopCameras.Camera3
local Shop = game.Workspace.Shop
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local LeftArrow = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.LeftArrow
local RightArrow = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.RightArrow
local PurchaseButton = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.PurchaseButton
local ExitButton = game.StarterGui.ShopGUI.ExitButton

Shop.Touched:Connect(function(hit: BasePart)
	local char = hit:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model")
	local player = char and PS:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
	if player then
		cam.CameraType = "Fixed"
		cam.Focus = workspace.FocusParts.FocusPart1.CFrame
		cam.CFrame = Cam1.CFrame
		cam.FieldOfView = 40
		player.PlayerGui.ShopGUI.Enabled = true
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A few notes:

1.Instead of cam.CameraType == "Fixed", do: cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Fixed [more accurate and has less chances of having issues].

2.You can’t directly access guis like this from StarterGui, you should use PlayerGui instead.