Script that can create a z-buffer for a model made with transparent images?

I don’t really know how to explain a Z-Buffer, so I’ll use images.
What the model should look like with a Z-Buffer (i had to mess with angles for some time to get this shot)
What it should look like

What the model actually looks like, at almost every angle (not just in studio, in game too)
Broken at angle
In game

Moving them far apart doesn’t fix the issue! I feel like I shouldn’t have to ask for a script (or at least where to start) that does something the roblox engine should have in the first place. My rank doesn’t allow me to post in bugs or feature requests, and almost none of the things posted in either of those forums get implemented anyway, so a script that at least fixes the problem in game would be great.

If you use SurfaceGUIs to hold the images, you can use the ZIndex property exactly like how you’re thinking.

It appears Decals also have this property, but they’d have to be on the same surface already I think, same with GUIs.

Z-Fighting can be fixed using the ZIndex property. Higher numbers will be in front of lower numbers.