while true do
image.Decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6778205807"
image.Decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=7062598365"
If I try to add more decal ids, how do I know to use rbxassetid:// or http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id= before the id? I tried adding two more but when it gets to the new decals, it goes blank again.
How I did it was I put the ID number into the decal property, and then it usually changes that ID number, copy the new ID and paste that into the script… I dont know much about content URL’s but I believe using rbxassetid:// Should not have this strange behavior
KON’NICHIWA!, I can answer all your questions! Should I use http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id= or rbxassetid:// ??
Usually they both should work but its better to use rbxassetid://
What is a good way to make images loop on my Decal?
You should use a table so you don’t have to constantly add another wait(2)
local image = script.Parent
--This way you can keep adding more images easily to the table.
local images = {
--You don't need to edit anything below this line :D
while true do
for i, pic in pairs(images) do -- This goes through your images table 1 item at a time.
image.Decal.Texture = pic
Image wont appear?
The reason your images wont appear is because you need to get the image asset id not just the Decal id.
In studio you can do this easily by right clicking the image in toolbox and clicking “Copy Asset ID” as shown here:
This should solve all your problems! Good luck!
For more info on tables see: Tables (roblox.com)
You just needed the assetId of the decal as opposed to the decalId itself, to get that in future you can just copy and paste the decalId into the “Image” property of the “ImageLabel” instance and the assetId will be provided.