Script timeout: exhausted allowed execution time

Hello! When a script inside my game is doing an intensive task and freezes the client for about 10 seconds, it stops and returns this error:
Players.LuauWebService.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.wallpaper.luau.main.executebutton.LocalScript:13: Script timeout: exhausted allowed execution time - Client - _Fiu:1305

Is there a workaround for this, like anything I can make it constantly do during the intensive task to perhaps reset the execution exhaustion time? Or maybe even disable the limit entirely? Thank you!

Search for “Script Timeout Length” setting in Studio Settings tab

Well most of the time this doesnt work so I would rather suggest doing game:GetService("ScriptContext"):SetTimeout(999) every time you play test the game within the console.

Doesn’t this disable the limit inside studio, and doesn’t disable it in the game itself when published to Roblox?

The game servers don’t have script timeouts yet AFAIK.

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