Script to get a players favorited games not working

Hello I’m trying to get a players favorited games.
I really would pefer to not have to use a app or bot to get the information
I have this script to do this:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Favorites
remote.OnServerInvoke = function(plr, UserId)
	local followers = {};
	local url = (""):format(tostring(UserId))
	local success, output = pcall(function() return HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(url)) end);
	if not (success) then
		print("Error fetching fat stacks of info")
		return followers;
	for _, v in pairs( do
		table.insert(followers, {
			name =;
			displayName = v.displayName;
			userId =;
	return followers;

But it keeps printing
Error fetching fat stacks of info
any fixes?

  • Requests cannot be made to any Roblox website, such as

You need to issue the request via a proxy instead.

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Dude I’m not so sure I understand. What’s the URL by a premade bot? I don’t have to create it myself because someone else has already

I’m asking for a URL that exists already since I’m bad at looking for one, but I know there are a lot.

There are NON-Roblox URLs that are public to use, you just have to find them.