Script to recognise if play has certain role in a group

How would I be able to make a script that detects if a player is in a certain group and has a certain group role when joining the game?

Use a playeradded event. You can use IsInGroup to detect if they are in the group.

There are two functions you can use:

Player:GetRankInGroup(GROUP ID) -> Returns the player rank (example: 5)
Player:GetRoleInGroup(GROUP ID) -> Returns the player role (example: Group Member)
if Player:GetRankInGroup(GROUP_ID_HERE) Operator RankValue then
-- Stuff that happens if they meet the requirement

Reaplce GROUP_ID_HERE with the ID of your Group.
Operator gets replaced with one of these:
Source: Conditional Structures

RankValue gets replace with the rank they need.

There is also ``:GetRoleInGroup()`` which will print the Player's Group Role.

If you need more info:

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