Hello, I currently have a local script, located in StarterGUI. The purpose is to set the active property of a SurfaceGUI in an aircraft to false for those that do not have the correct rank in my group. The aircraft gets spawned hence why the script needs to wait for it to exist.
local A320 = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Model").A320NEO_LEAP
local GroupID = 5213712
local RankID = 5
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= RankID then
A320.Connect.Value.Active = false
The script is able to locate the model fine once it gets spawned however says
Connect is not a valid member of workspace.Model.A320NEO_LEAP
when in fact it is, and I confirm this by viewing the workspace through Adonis DEX.
‘Connect’ is an ObjectValue which is set to the surfaceGUI