Script which work while the script has been deleted

I did a Leadboard and he work while the script has been deleted but also when I put the script back and try to modify it it doesn’t work.

Provide some code please.


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Here is my code :


Does it show any errors in the output? Also what part of the code doesn’t work?

Just this :

The code works, but I can’t modify it and when I delete it, it still works.

Could it possibly be a virus? or did you write it yourself?

I writted it with my little hands so it’s impossible.

That error is not relevant to the script you have posted here.


Show the full output, as said by @seancool07777 that error has nothing to do with the leaderstats.


Isn’t it related to your camera plugin?

I disabled him but It doesn’t fix my issue.

I have not been able to reproduce your problem with similar code. Are you trying to modify the script during a playtest?

No because I deleted the script and I have always my system which work when I play.

You also mentioned that when you try to place the script back and then try modify it, it will not work. Could I get an explanation on what you mean by it not working?

You see when you modify a script ? Me when I modify mine script, the modifications doens’t apply.

If you want to modify your Script, while the Game is running, modify it, then press Enabled so its going off and press Enabled again then so its on again on the Script.

I don’t understand I have litteraly any script in this place but my leadboard with Timer work

You’re looking at the client view. Anything the client shouldn’t be able to access will not show up (like objects in ServerScriptService and ServerStorage, just like a real game)
If you want the server view, there’s a button that shows up when you playtest
Screenshot (11811)
Which would show all of your server scripts during a test

Ok sadly it’s same I just have this script which is present by default