That’ll put newText the text on line startLine at startCharacter
And will end it on endLine at endCharacter
You’re basically setting the text of the script in a region you set (few lines, where to start at start line and where to end at end line)
For example,
Let’s say I run the following function on the script below:
EditTextAsync(“My new text”, 3, 8, 5, 2)
--Line 1
--Line 2
print("My old text") --Line 3
--M is the eigth character.
print("Part of this print will be deleted") --Line 5
--r is the second character.
Your new script would look like this:
--Line 1
--Line 2
print("My new text")
int("Part of this print will be deleted")
--r is the second character.
You can see that the region I specified in the parameters was replaced with the text I chose