Scripter for hire {For Hire} (STILL OPEN)

things i cant make, i dont really know i havent tried everything yet so at the moment i dont quite know my limits

things i can make, i can make mostly anything asked for but im not the best of the best

Stats menu :

Combat that uh gains more damage as you level it up:

Earth wall were you basically slap the ground:

i can do save data store stuff too

Availability: im usually up at night but on rare occasions ill be awake during the day
my time zone is pacific standard

i would rather be payed per asset and item


you can contact me on here or discord im on here alot and my discord is Yakide#1934

k have a nice day :slight_smile:

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i need more details, user0914#5138

and iā€™m hirer-------------------------

ok cool ill contact you right away