Scripter for hire!

Hello everyone! I am offering my services as a scripter and web develoepr. I have 6+ years of experince in ROBLOX developing. I have been scripting in lua/luau for about 5 years now. I also have experience with python and javascript (for web developing, mainly backend). My skillset is mostly based around systems with heavy physics and math.

I can also translate games from english to spanish or viceversa.


Here’s a few things I’ve scripted:

Previous games I have worked for

Game for a spanish game jam made with @Aledaddads, I scripted the whole game. You will need 2 players to test it.

Batallas de parkour - Roblox

Game I made together with a builder/modeler. Ended up with 70k visits. Scripted the whole game.

Candy Factory Tycoon! 🍬 - Roblox


My code is always highly organised and adapted to how the customer wants it set up. My systems are always made thinking on exploiters to prevent this kind of activities. I will provide support if any of my code errors after the job is finished.

You will have to DM me and explain the job for me to set a price.

Types of payment I accept:

  • Paypal
  • Group funds
  • Gamepasses (including the roblox.
    marketplace fee)
  • Percentage ONLY with at least one these conditions: game already making profit, backup payment, group with 50k + members (or other type of big community like youtube or twitter) – [CLOSED RIGHT NOW].

-Devforum: @gpm231
-ROBLOX: gpm231
-Discord: @gpm31
-Twitter: @MrGpm231


You must show proof of funds to pay me and must explain the project clearly. Taking on extra work will probably cost more.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I definitely feel you can accomplish much better work after much time. I would suggest posting a minimum price range for each section (low ui designs, high ui designs, etc)

If you post the minimum, for each category, you will definitely get more replies, and save a lot more time for people viewing, and other categories.

As for examples; I feel you could add a few more for each category. I feel that 2 doesn’t really represent all of your work, and if you plan to do big UI designs; these definitely do not show much work at all.

I try to end with peace, so of course you seem really encouraged into the UI Design industry, I just feel you can add a few things here and there to simplify your post, and make it overall better!

Best of luck!

UI Designer

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Thanks a lot for all the feedback. I really appreciate it!