About Us
Hello there! We are a Roblox development team that wishes to make the best games possible. We’re looking for a scripter who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new game. Please contact us on Twitter or Discord.
About The Job,
we are currently looking for a scripter to script our fps game. we need a scripter to script the entire game. we would appreciate your interest but we are looking for an experienced scripter so contact us with your work/portfolio
50k robuxs (the amount is negotiable)
Contact Us
Twitter - Nesterblox
Discord - Nesterblox#5967
(if you need more info contact us to know)
Just based on my opinion, even though I won’t be taking this job: FPS games are complicated and very mathy by current standards. I recommend raising the starting offer to 100K Robux minimum for an entire game regardless of negotiability.
Edit: Best of luck whether or not you choose to acknowledge this suggestion.
An entire FPS game for 50k? If you want someone to program the entire game then you’ll definitely need someone who’s desperate. (Which is something I do not condone) Once again, non programmers tend to undervalue work done by the scripters. The same applys for scripters undervaluing building work, etc. If you want a well made game by an advanced scripter the price would be ten fold the price you’re currently offering.