About Me
Hello! I am sleepcodes (41taccount). I’ve been scripting in ROBLOX for a few years. I enjoy scripting and I am always open to learning new concepts and improving my code! I love working in teams because I’ve learned how useful team members can be when you get stuck or just need someone to consult.
(Coded most of the game’s backend framework and worked on game’s backend security) Realistic Restaint
(I primarily did bug-fixes and worked on backend features for this game) The Robine
Epic hoverboard coded with KNIT for Kohau (I did this at 1 am with no sleep please don’t judge the minor bugs!)
I worked for this game as a part time developer and did pretty much any task needed. For this game I had to work with OOP and Knit framework. Kohau
I worked on Iron Cafe, I’ve focused on fixing very problematic bugs and improving game code as well as working on the XP and ordering system.
Other things I’ve worked on can be found in the mess of my public games on sleepcodes and 41taccount
I am available at earliest, 3:30 PM on Mon-Fri and most of the day during weekends and available during vacations sometimes.
(Subject to change next year)
You can contact me sleepcodes#0001 via Discord
Thanks for reading my developer portfolio!