Scripter + UI Designer | Portfolio

My Experience

Hi, I have been active on the platform for four years now and I am a really experienced ROBLOX scripter and UI designer. I do commissions in my spare and free time in hopes of going somewhere. I love developing on ROBLOX however I love playing games too to take a break from developing.
I do three types of development:
ROBLOX development (games) , Discord development (bots) , and api development (such as my automated donation game). I find all of these fun and exiting to work on however if I am constantly only doing on of them I get very bored of it.

My Work

My work is listed below, the title is a brief description and there is a more detailed description inside.

Working morph UI

This is a morph UI I created for a star wars game very recently, I scripted the entire thing. You can see that it includes tweening and an appealing UI. This was made quite a while ago so I did not add too much detail to the UI.

Automated donation game

This originally a roblox game to make my dev work get paid easily however it has now been repurposed to a donation game, that is the main reason it counts for roblox’s tax. This game also contacts a api server to make the specific id and sends it back to the game to make the purchase.

Rank Tags

These are some highly sophisticated rank tags that I made for a group that display your ROBLOX name as well as your rank, the rank tags change colour depending on the team you are on as well as changing your rank depending on what team you are on, there is also a trello to overwrite your name and or rank for every team for high up people such as the owner. I did this free of charge at first however the owner wanted to purchase them off me. I am really happy on how they came out in the end.

Intro UI

This is a quick into GUI that I made out of fun that was inspired by SCR. This did not take too long and I just did it out of boredom.



Here is a hub that I have made to help prevent DDosers (which is a big problem right now for some groups) which allows you to turn settings on/off to manage the hub as well as a fully automated whitelist background check which integrates into discord as seen above. The hub also takes you to a private server which is impossible for anyone else to join without going through it.

I am still adding to this portfolio as it is still quite new.


I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am mostly unable to work during the week due to school, however during the weekend I am for the most part, free.


You can contact me through discord at Jake?#0001 however I might not be open for commissions at the time.


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: