Scripters Needed!

Main roblox sounds good next mes will be thru it. :crazy_face:

And most important the job so i will show you the game someday just say the time when you will be free and i will show you are the scripter so i think you should now the basic tasks when these are done we`ll see about the more complicated ones. :ok_hand:

What are the basic tasks?


I can handle them now while online

really good then can you come and join the game maruiovvs place i did send you the perm.

im in

Check the team chat we can talk there

sorry, was eating lunch

went for something like this but not exactly

and i am truly srry my english is ****

tribal i really need ya pls you need to script some thing pls

Uh yeah what’s up?

Sorry i’ve been missing lately, my laptop completely died…

I can help, I am good at Lua and am willing to help you program the game

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