Scripters Needed!

Hi, my name is maruiow and i am new Roblox developer. I am making a game and i am a builder so the developing also needs a scripter. Thats why i am here posting this post. Read the post to understand better.

I havent done a lot to this game cause i just started but i have great plans. Sorry i cant show pictures right now. The game will be a meele type RPG game where people discover, fight, make clans, chat, team up and try to conquer the game.

As i said i need a scripter for the game, the job wont be hard just what you need it skills in Lua. There is no time limit you dont have to work always you can, only thing is that the job gets done.

I am new a round here so i cant offer much but when the game is ready then we will cut the share the money 50% and 50%. Sorry for now i can only pay in group funds.

You nee to be friendly and not lazy that if you do your job then it will be done correctly. You need to have skills with Lua.

You can contact me in roblox dev forum for now.

Thanks For Reading! :upside_down_face:


I have a question, what makes this RPG unique from other RPGs?


Sorry I don’t know if you can call it exactly a RPG and if you wanna know what will it be like then watch two thing, new Jumanji ep. and a anime named Tokyo ghoul. I hope it helped you but in there there is a world you can explore it and you don’t need levels or so you just kill, explore, chat. Well if you have specific Q then ask🥴.

Hello, @maruiow, I actually would really like to help you make your game, it seems like the perfect fit for me!

  1. Group funds would be my preferred method – being more secure and less likely a scam.
  2. I’m actually proud to accept precentages. If I can’t bring people to your game, then I don’t need the robux :woman_shrugging:
    3.You mention that I just need skills in Lua. Well, I’m in an intermediate phase right now where I’m really starting to learn more and pick up speed. Working with you on this would be a surefire way to improve my skills. I can handle a lot of things from CFraming to Gui design and if I don’t know it, it’s a great opportunity to learn.
  3. I can also offer skills as an artist in both lineart and rendering with Blender. However… I can’t make meshes, I’m just really bad at it :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as I make my own hours, it sounds perfect! Most people ask for a dedicated 5 hours of time, which I understand, but I can’t stare at a screen that long, and burnout is inevitable. As far as the amount of work, I’m sure we can figure something out.

Exited to hear your response!

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I know what you feel about the time as you said i have same thing. That would be great if you could work with me it would be an honor, because i havent worked like this in year but sure i will text you closer. Lol just one thing if you have or wanna chat in disc can you send yours because mine is kinda broken. :rofl:

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… hrm… I’m cool with either this or discord, whatever works. I had to go dig up my user again though, its the same as my user, tribalwo1f with a one

Good. Now Last Q can you say when are you free to work so i can see if our free time matches?

Please accept my alt account that’s where the game is made. maruiovv :grin:

Honestly, I am free in the afternoon and from Monday to friday, sometimes saturday. Usually busy on weekends though.

However the time specifically is very flexible, anytime really works as long as if it’s in the morning or night it’s only an hour or two.

mm also not Wednesday nights. I’m chilling with my family then

Thank you very much I will answer tomorrow because it’s night in here so see ya :grinning:

If you could work 2 hours every free day that would be awesome! :relaxed:

Add me on discord, OliCranny#1014

Added you on discord. maruiow#1289

I do not understand, if you need a scripter still please DM me on discord.

that sounds good, course it’ll take a bit of time to get used to but sounds fair

Thank you tribal I will setup last things and we are ready.

you can join the game on rblx studio name is maruiovvs place for now srry

So, ok, I’ma speak to you through the Chat on the main roblox now unless you mention otherwise -~

I am also ready for scripting requests