Scripting a gui to make the map go disco (Like the admin command :Disco)

Thats the fire event with the explorer.

Edit that back, that was my mistake. Please see this screenshot:


Your localscript tries to fire script.Parent.toggleDisco but that doesn’t exist in your screenshot. It should be firing ReplicatedStorage.toggleDisco

Edit: as below stated, please make sure your output window is visible - this would’ve been immediately clear to you if you noticed the error in the output window.


Try adding print statements to the local script? The problem might be lying somewhere in-between lines 5 or 6 of your Server Event code (Also make sure that you know where your Output is)

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Thank you ill do that right away.

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In your ServerScript, you should change “teamName” on line 7 to your actual team name, unless it is actually named teamName.

Now in your LocalScript, you should have the correct path to the Remote. In the ServerScript, the path points to ReplicatedStorage, while in the LocalScript it points to script.Parent.

You are correct, it is supposed to be a Color3 value, but in his code he is converting the BrickColor to a Color3.

This is incorrect as the not operator always returns true or false.

print(not nil)      --> true
print(not false)    --> true
print(not 0)        --> false
print(not not nil)  --> false


Hope this helped :slight_smile:


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