Scripting full time (summer)

About Me

Hi I am providing my services as a scriptwriter. Currently, I can work quite a lot. I am fluent in many languages programing ​​and learning a new language is very easy for me. I can do most of the scripting problems. I’m very hard at writing scripts and it’s often quite powerful.


This is my little game and I didn’t write it much.


I have a lot of time now, you can contact me anytime and you should know my time zone is + 7. I will work like this until the end of summer.


Prices are negotiable, I accept either or per asset.
You can pay me by cash or robux


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

You should add more examples or people might not hire you.

I need my pc to do it.So you can use a test or message me.

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