Scripting Guidance!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am meaning to progress my learning within scripting further however the past few years Roblox has advanced especially with FE and there is no up-to-date tutorials for example, peaspod/friaza seem outdated which is what I used 2 years ago or so.

Are there any source I can use that will explain to me Number #1 e.g Variables TO Number 300 e.g raycast,

I am interested in Roblox’s Official Developer website however i’m not sure if it was set up chronologically such as explaining variables, then moving onto tables and so on because I wouldn’t like to make a huge jump for example, let’s say I was just reading variables then the next tutorial I read is about raycast.

an organised source that is chronological would be the best and anything you highly recommend, thanks.

(Keep in mind i know majority of the basics, i just need to revise my scripting knowledge from beginning to end)

Also within the source it’d also be nice for explanation of GUIs such as TweenSize and so on, thank you :smiley: .


Before you start with the Roblox API, I recommend first learning how to program with Lua, the language itself. The best way to learn Lua is through the Programming in Lua book. There is a free online version that covers Lua 5.0, although Roblox uses Lua 5.1. There’s almost no difference between the two versions, so don’t worry if you don’t want to purchase the second (5.1) version of the book.

Once you’re familiar with the language, the Roblox Developer Hub will be your best bet for learning how to use the Roblox API (application programming interface - the thing that we interact with to manipulate the game with the Roblox engine). You’ll most likely never know how to use every aspect of the API; it’s best to just learn as you go, picking up extra information as you need it.


I’d recommend watching youtube videos if you are not the type of person to sit and read.

Some youtube channels that offer tutorials:

… and much more. Anyways, you can always just search up whatever you want to learn on youtube for your programming needs. For documentation, I’d use the DevHub page run by Roblox.


Typically, tutorials cover more advanced topics on Roblox development rather than “basic” how-tos like a raycast. It’s usually assumed that you have the knowledge how to perform primitive functions and that you come to us for support if you’re a little troubled with your code.

Tutorials for learning how to code are everywhere. There are the resources that Dandystan has already mentioned (PiL, which is a slightly antiquated introduction to Lua, the language Roblox uses), YouTube tutorials and resources on other sites that you can reference to help out with your development.

I don’t really have any explicit tutorials on it, but as for raycasting, you’ll want to look through the Developer Hub via the search bar rather than the tutorials page. There should be some code samples on the rays pages.


A good way to start to learn how to script is by getting a free model script and try to figure out what each line does, I am not saying get a really complex script but get one that only has a few lines in. Another great way is by going on YouTube, AlvinBlox is a really good YouTube channel for tutorials as he explains everything really well.

Here is a link to AlvinBlox explaining variables: Variables
Here is a link to a wiki page about variables:
If this wiki page is too confusing a variable is something that you assign a value too. For example:
Number = 10
Number is the variable and 10 is the value. The variable is always on the left side of the equals sign.

Before you learn how to raycast I would learn the basics of scripting first but here is the link to the wiki page anyway:

Useful things to learn:
Functions - This is one of the most useful things to learn in scripting becasue you use them everywhere.
Variables - These are also very helpful.
Tables - You use these everywhere when creating a full game.
Types of Script - It is helpful to know the different types of scripts.


My goto channel when I was growing up was @Wrathsong’s channel, which explains everything in detail and i’d say that 99% of the code is not outdated. Here’s the channel.


Nice that you wanna learn how to script, powerful asset to know! :smiley:

The way I learned to script was by looking at free models and then finding the wiki page for what I needed, for example I’d take a free model gun and look at the code the find the wiki for raycasting, observing what line does what and then I’d implement other stuff I learned into that free model(Converting to FE for example)

That being said there’s not just one way of learning to code, so yeah.

TL;DR, the wiki and free models are great assets to use for learning even googling stuff you need answered can be good if you refrain from just copy pasting the answer but actually read what the OP did wrong.


Thank you Water, regarding the roblox wikia developer website, is it chronological? meaning it follows it in steps without making jumps, for example by steps i mean like, variable to another basic thing,
and by jumps i mean like variables to raycast (which i’d like to avoid)

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The wiki doesn’t look like it is any order. I would recommend you watch YouTube videos and just practice scripting on your own and when you get stuck on something search up the thing on the wiki.For example if you are getting stuck on DataStores search up DataStores on the wiki then give it a go and if you are still stuck ask the Dev Forum. Try to give something a go before you ask the Dev Forum as you may be able to figure it out on your own. As the best way to learn is by figuring stuff out yourself.

How I use the wiki:

  • To see how some parameters are formatted.

  • When I get stuck on something and I need a quick answer.

  • I sometimes use it to see what something is, for example if I was reading something and it mentioned a DataStore and I didn’t know what it was I may quickly search it up on the wiki to see what it is(I know what a DataStore is this is just and example).