Hey there,
I want to make a “Galaxy Generator” but the density system* doesn’t work.
So I want to know how it works lets say I want to put a number between 1 it’s going to be big. But if I want to put a number further from one, it’s going to be smaller and smaller. How do I do that? So if I resume, “ ok so there is a function called getstarheight,this has an input parameter and its the distance of the star from center,so now with that ill get a height,more farther distance will give me a small number for height and less distance will give big number for height and the max number it can is 4.4” Sorry for the grammar. Thanks for reading!
*Density system = density is where near the galaxy center there are more stars and the edge of the galaxy is less stars.
First you talk about star density, but then you also talk about height?
Anyway, you can scale your math.random output by a function that depends on the distance from the center and that has the behavior you want, i.e. starting at some fixed value when d=0, and approaching zero as d goes to infinity?
Lots of functions do that, like c * e^(-x) where c is the value at the center and e is Euler’s number. You can make it a bit more useful by scaling the input to allow you to also control where the function will equal 1:
c * e^(x * logn(1/c)/a)
where a is the distance where you want the function to equal 1:
function falloffFunction(distance, valueAtCenter, oneAtDistance)
local scaledDistance = distance * math.log(1/valueAtCenter) / oneAtDistance
return valueAtCenter * math.exp(scaledDistance)
function density(point)
local distance = point.Magnitude
return falloffFunction(distance, CENTER_DENSITY, DENSITY_ONE_DISTANCE)