From what I have seen, this is your argument. ( Please correct me if I am wrong )
You are able to learn everything by yourself via the resources already available, so a mentor is completely unnecessary. Something along the lines of “More is not more”
Learning directly under someone may actually in-peed on the competence of the programmer because it hinders the persons ability to problem solve on their own due to being “hand held”.
Why waste time just teaching one person when you could post a resource online that would reach many more people.
Yes, your points are valid, in certain situations your arguments would be valid. Particularly with a bad teacher. However, there are major flaws I see in your argument.
Your first argument in certain situations (“more is not more”) would be correct. Too much information is a liability as it can be stressful to process it all. In addition, you are not wrong in saying a mentor is complete unnecessary.
But, a mentor/teacher is very useful in the fact that, 1. The person knows more than you, 2. The person knows best how to organize the information that is 1. Digestible, and 2. Not overwhelming, 3. The person can give you new points of view that would have taken awhile for you to come up with yourself.
Your second point, I could not agree with more. Hand holding negativity affects the programming skills of the programmer and creates a dependence, which will hurt their long term progress. However, I am aware of this, and will do my best to best solve that problem.
Your third point, Yes, that is true, I can indeed create and post a tutorial that would help many more people. I may consider this in the future, but for now, It does not align with my goals. The reason for teaching someone as I have said previously, is so that I can create a team member that understands me, and is comfortable with me enough to create a game that will have a large finical gain. In addition, I believe direct teaching if done right can fast forward someones progress by 10x or more, and if I posted a guide I would not be able to capitalize on the students future potential, and miss out on a friendship. In a way, It is extremely selfish.
Thank you for hearing me out, and I hope I have given you a new point of view.