Scripting or Building? Which one is more important to you?

  • Scripting
  • Building
  • Other skills

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Generally, you can’t really decide which one is more important, because both depend on each other.

Without building, you can only script a game’s functionality.
With only being able to build remains an unfunctioning game with no gameplay mechanics whatsoever.

This also goes for other skills.

If I’d have to choose what is most important to me, I’d be inbetween of UI design and Scripting.

I prefer modelling and gui design.

Not really honestly, you can make a game with only builds (showcase or hangout games) and also those with only scripting as well.

Showcases still involve minor scripting to my knowledge. Things like graphical / lighting effects which change during the day etc.

Most hangout games these days also feature animations, poses, (sometimes) minigames and most importantly UI (which you would have to script for it to work)

How would you go about making a game only with scripting? I know that you can create parts and objects through scripts, but it would be far more tedious to pull off and wouldn’t come close to the quality of a blender model.

Graphical lighting effects are ususally available so not really much done by developer. Also the fact that that type of system are quite rare to see in such games.

Not all, but most. So it’s usually still possible to make a game without any scripting involvement.

You actually could though. Like making an infinitely generated game like something like minecraft? You could make everything procedural which basically means you aren’t going to be building anything.


Your counter argument are not very strong and there indeed are many ways to make a game without one of the two only if you know how.

You could say that you can’t make a game with only VFX or SFX or GUI or Modelling as such stuff are usually considered as a polishing method.

You could also say that you can’t make a game without a computer lol. Spoiler