Scripting pet sim with rojo - part 1

i believe project based learning, so let’s do some of that!

i found it pretty hard to transition to file based scripting (or whatever you call it), so today we’re just gonna do some tomfoolery and learn how to get to a fancier toolchain through trying to have a DMCA speedrun world record


this is supposed to teach the reader how to use rojo and vscode (and a few other tools) to script roblox games through making a project
i find a lack of tutorials about this topic, so i wanted to make one myself!

this tutorial is split into two parts

  1. how to install your new workflow and how to setup your new project
  2. how to actually use your new workflow

basically yer gonna learn how to use


yeah we’re installing this cute lil puppy because its one of the biggest reasons (imo [nerds dont come after me]) for using an external toolchain in the first place

“well isnt the default code editor good enough?” yeah yeah it is but sometimes youre just sick of going through the explorer for scripts and want some other quality of life changes to your editor

ok so there are two ways of installing this hunk o’ junk

you can either get the stinky microsoft telemetry version and let the government steal your information

or get the version with all the CIA spying stuff removed

both perform exactly the same, but the CIA version (the first one) has more plugins and the actually normal version (the second one) doesnt have spying

the plugin difference isnt enormous, and all the plugins we’re using should be in the open vsx registry, but do with this information what you will

this tutorial will be using the stinky microsoft version, since this is what everyone else uses and im a sheeple

anyways just scroll down either website and press the big fat install buttons you cant miss it


we’re installing the installer!!! confusing!! i know!!!

for you kids that dont know, aftman is a toolchain manager that lets you install certain programs in a project to project basis for easier team organization and letting you keep track of which programs youve installed so that your tiny peanut brain doesnt forget

install instructions:

  1. go to the github page
  2. press the releases button
  3. scroll down to assets and get whatever zip file has your operating system
  4. now go to the actual zip file and unzip it
  5. go into the unzipped file and open the terminal (i know scary)
  6. once youre in run .\aftman.exe self-install and you shouldnt have any errors (yes you can totally run random terminal commands from a conspiracy theorist on the internet)

now your funny toolchain is set!

actually making the project

now that you installed at least 30 deadly viruses on your computer, its time to actually make the rojo project!

  1. go to your documents folder
  2. create a folder called roblox-games, rojo-projects, or some other goofy stuff like that youll remember with your tiny peanut brain
  3. go into that folder and create a folder named pet-sim or some other stuff like that… make sure its close enough to preston’s intellectual property so that he can sue you (because thats the end goal of this project [this tutorial is even more effective if youre a minor!])
  4. open vscode
  5. throw away your mouse
  6. press Control + k (which will now be referred to as C-k) and Control + o (C-o) to open a folder
  7. select your funny pet-sim folder
  8. now youre in!!!

so now you know how to create a file and open it in vscode… uhh… lets actually set it up now!

aftman initiation

since aftman is a command you can actually use now, open the terminal (i know scary) with C-` (or press control and the key on your keyboard with the funny squiggly [~]), enter aftman init and you should see a file called aftman.toml in the project


now before you touch your mouse! remember that you threw it away! press C-e (like a real man) and search for the file so that you dont have to search in the file tree (how convenient!)

now that you’re on aftman.toml it should look something like this

if you think it looks ugly (like me), then you can get an extension specifically for toml files in order to make them prettier!

we’re not installing from the website tho, so lets install from the editor itself!

  1. go to the extensions tab

  2. search for the extension

  3. make sure its the right page, and then press the install button!

much better. and now you know how to install extensions yourself so i dont have to post one million screenshots!!!

ill still hold your hand and link you to the actual extensions so that you dont install anything suspicious/wrong


i wont go on a long winded explanation about both here, but tl;dr
rojo syncs computer files to roblox scripts

lets install it!

  1. go to the rojo github
  2. check for the latest version
  3. enter the input! it usually follows the template of [name] = "[owner]/[name]@[version]"
    since the name is rojo, the name is rojo-rbx, and the latest version is 7.3.0, the inserted line should look like this: rojo = "rojo-rbx/rojo@7.3.0"

this is what it should look like in the file

so now you should know how to install other necessary programs when the time comes!

just run aftman install after saving the file, and after it does some magic (and doesnt show any red text), you should be able to run both commands!

if it asks you if you want to install a program youve never installed before, just say yes (press y) to shut the program up

rojo initiation

FINALLY!! we get some ACTUAL files working here!

run rojo init in the terminal, and watch as the terminal does your job for you


the file structure should look like this

make sure to change the file extension from lua to luau so that you can take advantage of roblox’s type system and utilize some of the plugins that will be used below!

but! before we get into scripting! we need to get a few extensions first to get a crispy environment going

ESSENTIAL plugins you need are

but if you wanna have some fun, i wont blame you if you go crazy and install a bunch more plugins

some of my recommendations are vscode pets, material icons, and doom one theme

ok… but what are these plugins?

  • luau language server gives you studio’s default autocompletion
  • stylua automatically formats your code to make it prettier
  • selene makes sure you dont make stupid mistakes
  • roblox lua autocompletes gives useful snippets that youlll need later
  • rojo for… rojo…

stylua needs some configuration though, so lets do it!

go to the settings.json file through

  1. going to the command pallete with (Control Shift P [which is now C-S-p])
  2. and choosing the option “Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)

you should be in a file called settings.json

now all you need to do is insert this line into your file to get formatting

"[luau]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "JohnnyMorganz.stylua"

if you want automatic formatting, then you can enable editor.formatOnSave to format everytime you save the file

in the end, the file should look like this:

selene also needs some configuration

just create a selene.toml file and make sure the contents are std = "roblox"

it should look like this


oh yeah… almost forgot… we need to enable rojo

go to the command pallete again, select “Luau: Regenerate Rojo Sourcemap” (so that we can get autocomplete for our instances), open it again, and then select “Rojo: Open Menu”

you should see this menu

select “Install Roblox Studio Plugin,” reopen the menu, and then select “default.project.json” to start syncing

open studio, go to the plugins tab, open rojo, press connect, and your studio should look like this:

now its time to actually get on with the scripting now

wait… so what are we actually scripting again?

oh yeah! sorry for the long wait… remember how this was a two part tutorial? well thats covered in part two where we get to actually use our new workflow

but before fully diving into it, i want you to do some digging on your own specifically on vscode and how it can increase your productivity!

a good starting point is fireship’s video giving vscode tips:

have a good day!


after reading your entire tutorial, I still dont know what you’re teaching us. But uh… free animation I guess


i should put this tl;dr in the post itself but

this is supposed to teach the reader how to use rojo and vscode (and a few other tools) to script roblox games through making a project
i find a lack of tutorials about this topic, so i wanted to make one myself!


I think you should format your post a bit better. Here is a good start:

  • Hook - an interesting fact or something that directly affects them. “1 million people died…” stuff like that
  • Background Information (What the plugin is, relevant dates, relevant creators, teaching the user)
  • Thesis Statement - A single sentence or two that summarizes the entire article
  • Actual Tutorial Part
  • Conclusion to wrap things up
  • Call to action (Tell me to do something. eg: CLick now!)

I personally find more useful the code that animates the block/pet.


Why do you name this topic “scripting pet simulator to test out my new lawer”


> Big Games has been in contreversy for filing DMCA claims for games with similar looking pets (dont know the validity of these claims… but found it funny)
> scripting pet simulator to… make similar looking pets…
> testing out my new lawyer… incase a DMCA comes

happy to be of help! this acts as a sort of double sided tutorial, so i guess if you wanna skip all the external tooling stuff… thats yer preference


would recommend to make multiple topics and link them to eachother:

  • title - making a pet sim with rojo
  • part 1 - setting up rojo + vscode
  • part 2 - setting up aftman + plugins
  • part 3 - scripting the game

it’s really good that you have made this tutorial much more readable than some ‘flex’-tutorials here (using the most abstract language and unreadable code to look ‘cool’). especially for long tutorials related to beginning something new, most people turn away before even beginning

curious where it’ll go to, maybe I’ll link this tutorial instead of a super boring one when someone asks me “how can you code in vscode on roblox” again


after finishing the post ill defo split this up and consider yer title
i think the way u split it up is pretty good
i dont know how well people would take the separate posts, but its worth a try /shrug

mission accomplished!
i tried to make the tutorial as simple and concise as possible, so its nice to know that it paid off

thanks for the feedback!!!


oh hey! i actually finished the tutorial! who woulda thought!
tell me what you think
(especially you @xChris_vC, you gave some interesting feedback so im interested in what you think about the finished product!)