Scripting Support - Dressup Menu

Hey Guys! Trying to redo a previously working dress-up menu.

While it was functional, it was extremely ineffective as it used two different scripts and a remote event for each item. Currently, I’m trying to make use of a module script to manage the entire menu. (i.e. each item of a similar type should use the same functions). So each image button of the same type of accessory will have the same script + an object value that holds a different accessory (again of the same type). I understand the general concept of module scripts however I think I’m having a hard time implementing them.

Any help/feedback is really appreciated! :two_hearts: :raised_hands:

I’ve done some scripting based on how the old system worked (for full dresses alone so far) but it isn’t working or returning any errors.

Here is the Module Script

local DressUpModule = {}

function DressUpModule.doHair(player)
	--reserved for later
	--add hair accessory + texture if necessary

function DressUpModule.fullDress(player)
	print("Button Pressed")
	local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
	local fullDressEvent = ReplicatedStorage.FullDressEvent
	local dress = script.Parent.Dress
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Enabled = false

function DressUpModule.fullDressServer(player,dress)
	local name = player.Name
	print(name, "has activated the event")

	local accessory = dress
	accessory.Parent = player.Character

	local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
	humanoid.HipHeight = 4.2

return DressUpModule

Client Script (this is the local script for when a player presses any of the GUI buttons)

ServerStorage = game.ServerScriptService
local DressUpModule = require(ServerStorage.DressUpModule)


Server Script: (For actually putting the dress on)

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local FullDressEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("FullDressEvent")

local function eventFire()
	local ServerStorage = game.ServerScriptService
	local DressUpModule = require(ServerStorage.DressUpModule)




The contents of ServerStorage do not replicate to the clients, so your client script can’t require your module. Try moving your ModuleScript to ReplicatedStorage and change your other scripts accordingly.