I have this puzzle game that involves smooth terrain, specifically water. When a certain thing happens (not saying what; saving the puzzle!), water rises. I want a smooth transition—the water should rise smoothly, sort of like when you’re tweening the size of Parts.
I have a method right now that doesn’t really work because it doesn’t rise smoothly and often just ends up being in the wrong place. There must be a glitch or something. Here’s a snippet of code:
WG.CFrame = CFrame.new(WG.CFrame.X, WG.CFrame.Y + 0.2, WG.CFrame.Z)
workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(WG.CFrame, WG.Size, Enum.Material.Water)
until WG.CFrame.Y >= 6.6
I’m hoping for some kind of alternative or fix. Thanks!