ScriptMacro | A plugin that makes scripting easier and faster

What is ScriptMacro?

Script macro is a roblox plugin that makes typing long and tedious lines of code take less time.

How do you use it?

To make a macro, you need to set a trigger and the replacement text.
If you type the trigger word in a script and then add a space it will be replaced with the replacement text.

Here is how to create a macro:

Now let me show you how it looks in action:

This can be used for getting services without having to lose 3 finger (Average roblox scripter)
And it can also help with things you frequently type out.

I am planning to update this plugin consistently with the bugs you guys encounter and what i can improve/add

To install the plugin you can go on this link:



Cool, but it doesn’t use DockWidgetPluginGui so I have to go to the main viewport to edit a macro.

Very simple yet efficient and useful plugin. Thanks!

EDIT: nvm, it’s 100 robux lol.

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Thank you so much for the input, ill probably make it a DockWidgetPluginGui tomorrow.

i think 100 robux is far too much for a plugin that just replaces your text.


Well, when i published the plugin i was planning to make the price 20 robux but roblox has a minimum of 100 robux when publishing plugins…

unfortunately, that’s the minimum, or he can make it free

same… i was happy till i saw it was paid :skull:

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This is a great plugin, I haven’t bought yet but it seems amazing, don’t get discouraged keep working hard man