What do you want to achieve?
Bring back editing scripts while linked in a package, as it was before the update.
What is the issue?
You can no longer edit scripts while linked to a package.
If a base script itself is the package, you have to unlink it to modify it.
If you have a folder where it is the package itself, with base scripts (server, local, and module) only the MODULE script is read-only this method.
I’m not understanding what the update is for without any communication to developers why they changed an important feature.
What solutions have you tried so far?
There are no solutions other than unlinking the package.
Sorry, it’s small part of some upcoming package changes that was unintentionally enabled, out of context it sure does look a little bit weird but it will make sense in due time! There will be a detailed announcement / documentation updates when said changes actually release as always.
If you restart Studio you should no longer see it.
Hey thanks! I appreciate the response, I think it was more of just the accidental update without any idea of what was going on lol. Thank you for reassuring that there is something planned going on to make sense of it in the future. Thanks again
Fungus, you got me with that one. I tried to respond to your non sequitur by explaining why a person would modify a package, starting with why they would have a package in the first place. Then I read your recent messages and decided you probably already understand code gets complex enough you don’t just want to toss it directly into StarterPlayerScripts.
What topic were you responding to?
FWIW, Packages have been iffy for me in the past and for sure needed some attention from the roblox team. I’m looking forward to seeing what they’ve come up with. Even though I used and continue to use them, I couldn’t recommend them to other devs over the external tools that have cropped up in the last few years due to some of the usability traps that came up.