I have a model in ReplicatedStorage. Inside the model are a couple scripts. These scripts do not run in ReplicatedStorage, nor do they run when the model is cloned to Workspace. Why is this? How do I make the scripts run when they get parented to the workspace?
And for anyone thinking the scripts are the issue, they merely have print("Hello world") in them. The print statements don’t run, even when the model is parented to workspace.
A LocalScript will only run when created under StarterPlayer. For Server scripts, I find it best to have them disabled, then enable once the parent Model has been moved to the workspace.
It depends on where you are making the clone from (I assume you are using a local script to clone them, otherwise, why would they be in replicated storage)
So if you use a local script to cone the model, and place it into workspace, the only scripts that will run will be scripts with the run context set to ‘Client’
Also, note that a script with runcontext set to ‘client’ is different than a ‘localscript’
Also, you need to have the scripts disabled in ReplicatedStorage, and then enable them when you make the clone, because any server or client scripts will run on the model that is in replicated storage.