All scripts on my bot doesen’t work when I reparent it from ReplicatedFirst to Workspace. I need it fixed by 18pm BST Today. Anyone know?
What about it doesn’t work?
Do you get errors? Do the scripts not run?
Why are you using ReplicatedFirst
instead of ReplicatedStorage
1st. Reason why I’m using replicated first is because I tried Replicated Storage first and the same thing happened
2nd. There are no errors but when they are reparented to the workspace no scripts work
What scripts don’t work? What are those scripts supposed to do? What part of that isn’t working?
I think it could be that the scripts start running right away instead of running when it’s reparented.
disable the scripts and enable it after cloning
The scripts inside the charecter
Already tried that. Did not work
We can’t help if you don’t give enough information
When the bot is reparented all of these scripts don’t work acting as if they are disabled
Animate is simple. Animates the bot
ChaseScript. Makes the bot chase the player
Script in HumanoidRootPart. Kill’s the player on touch
try adding a print at the beginning of the scripts?
What script are you trying to reparent it on? LocalScript or ServerScript? If its on a LocalScript, then that might be the problem.
Local Script in Player GUI
Then yeah that’s the problem. ServerScripts won’t run on Client.
How do I resolve this then? I’ve had no problems with this before and now it’s like this
You’re reparenting the scripts on the client.
The scripts run on the server, and because the server doesn’t know that that has happened it won’t do anything different.
So how do I resolve this???
Do the reparenting on the server