Scripts duplicate when using play solo (or possibly publishing?)

“Core” in this post means scripts I have created myself that provide core game functions.

I’ve been experiencing this bug for a long time and I’ve also spoken to quite a few other people who experience the same bug. I will often find that after using play solo or publishing (it’s not 100% of the time so it’s hard to discern which of these is the cause) a core script I have been editing will have been duplicated. It’s most annoying because often you don’t default to assuming a script has duplicated itself, so spend a lot of time trying to figure out a bug only to realise it’s caused by two core scripts running simultaneously.

In the past I have also published my game with duplicate scripts without realising which resulted in a lot of bugs and broken servers. Now I always double and triple check as my games have got bigger, but for smaller less serious developers I’d imagine this would be a big problem.

This bug is really rare, I’d say I experience it once a month on average, but when it happens it’s very destructive. I can’t provide a repro but it has happened in pretty much every game I’ve ever worked on.

One of the scripts is always a few edits behind the other, so you have to look through all the code and figure out which has the most recent updates.

Sadly I can’t say when the bug started happening, only that I’ve had this bug for as long as I can remember.

I am using accurate play solo but this bug occured long before it was introduced.


I have experienced this too, where one of my scripts was duplicating, I too can’t reproduce this but I can confirm it’s happened and is quite annoying because I get confused that my scripts are doing actions twice, etc, and I think it’s my code, and when I do realize it’s duplicated, I’m not able to tell which script is the latest unless I go through all of it.

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