Scripts in Plugins don't run if their RunContext is not Legacy. RunContext Plugin won't work due to that


System: Windows 10 - 64bit
Studio Version: Version 0.627.0.6270453 (64bit)


Once RunContext could be set to Plugin which would also make the autocompletion appear for PluginSecurity thanks to @swmaniac

Today, I realized and issue though. I was saving a Plugin for testing, and I had one Script that I changed its RunContext to Enum.RunContext.Plugin for autocompletion, instead of using the Studio settings. And nothing would happen when I put the Plugin in the Local Plugins Folder.

Then I realized that it was because of the RunContext. For some reason Scripts which have their RunContext set to Plugin, won’t run.

Reproduction Steps


  1. Put this RunContext Plugin File, inside the Plugins Folder
    Folder.rbxmx (1.4 KB)

  2. Run Studio or have it open already.

  3. Now do the same thing with RunContext Legacy to compare the outputs in the Console. Here’s the example plugin:
    RunContextLegacy.rbxmx (1.4 KB)

  4. Notice how the RunContext Plugin one doesn’t run, while the RunContext Legacy did run.

Expected Result

It should say "Hello World" in the Console, for the Script with RunContext Plugin, when it is put inside the Plugins Folder.

Actual Result

Nothing happens, for the RunContext Plugin.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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