Scripts Pack Plugin

Scripts Pack Plugin

The plugin is free at the moment since there are still few scripts. When I am happy I will put it on paid.


Right now there is only the Hangout and Gui category but soon I will add the others as in the video below

Every advice is appreciated


I’ve been reading the source for a while and must say it’s, uhm.

Like, it’s messy.

	-- All Parts of the Frame
	local frame = gui.Frame.Hangout
	local ButtonFrame = frame.JoinAndLeftChat
	local insert = ButtonFrame.Insert
	local glow = ButtonFrame.GlowEffect
	local RemoveAll = ButtonFrame.RemoveAll
	local RemoveGlow = ButtonFrame.RemoveGlowEffect
	RemoveAll.Visible = true
	RemoveGlow.Visible = true
	insert.Visible = false
	glow.Visible = false

	local new = script.Hangout.JoinAndLeftChat:Clone()
	local StPlr = new.StarterPlayerScripts
	local Server = new.ServerScriptService
	local Rep = new.ReplicatedStorage

	local leftlocal = StPlr.PlayerLeftScript
	local joinlocal = StPlr.PlayerJoinedScript

	local leftserver = Server.PlayerLeftScript
	local joinserver = Server.PlayerJoinedScript

	local leftremote = Rep.LeaveRemoteEvent
	local joinremote = Rep.JoinRemoteEvent

	leftlocal.Enabled = true
	joinlocal.Enabled = true

	leftserver.Enabled = true
	joinserver.Enabled = true

	leftlocal.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
	joinlocal.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts
	leftserver.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
	joinserver.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
	leftremote.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
	joinremote.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage

	new.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts

You know very well that…

Yet still…

The entire main script is literally button.Activated connections, like I’m not even kidding:
This could’ve well been formatted with the use of a framework or simply just loops.

Main script aside, the game scripts.

Why two? Is one not enough?

My condolences.

Y’know this could’ve been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better if it was a set of admin commands rather than a single command.

Client-sided anti-cheat? Oh god, what am I going to see?

Why do you need an exploiters table if this anti-cheat is client-sided??? Also, you have a shift to run script, which modifies their WalkSpeed. I don’t see any protection against that.

No comments.

This is the only server-sided “anti-cheat” I can see. This is literally - oh god, don’t try.

Would not recommend. Please take your time in improving the source code, and don’t release a client-sided anti-cheat that clearly does not even work properly.


I really appreciated your advice

  1. I will fix the anticheat

  2. I avoid using Destroy() to remove templates or scripts because it can potentially lead to unintended problems. Remove() seems more convenient and functional to me. I designed the process to delete only the name of the script. This ensures that the script in question is specifically targeted, without affecting other components or objects. As for ClearAllChildren(), it may not be suitable in this context, since it would indiscriminately remove all children of the parent object, which is not the desired behavior. My goal is to provide a precise and controlled script removal process that does not interfere with the developer’s existing resources.


I believe this type of anticheat works where it relies on the majority of the players to detect an exploiter which is then passed to and validated on the server. This often works since most of the players in the server aren’t exploiters. But obviously the OP’s script detects it using walkspeed which won’t work.

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In those loops you’re just removing them and all references to that instance are lost. You’re supposed to clone the scripts then parent them, not directly referencing them, and then can you actually reuse those scripts.

Destroy the cloned scripts if we call to remove those. Stop using Remove. Destroy isn’t going to cause problems if you do it correctly.

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I find this absolutely useless, bad quality scripts, lack of good source, maybe this could get better in the future, but atm its pretty useless.