Scripts Sometimes Won't Save Changes

Hello, I am currently working on a game for Roblox and when I open Roblox Studios, I get alerts telling me that some of my changes I made to scripts have not been saved. Surely enough, when I go into my scripts, some of my recent modifications aren’t there. If anyone knows how to fix this problem please let me know down below. And if it is important to say, I am not using team create.

Well it sounds like you don’t save changes when you exit. Often this will come up if your computer shuts down when you have studio open and the automated systems detects this and says that scripts have not been saved. What I am wondering is if when you press the “X” button to close studio down do you make sure to save the scripts before?

I will try this when I edit my game later today. And to answer your question, no. When I press the close button on the studio tab, I do not save changes to my scripts beacause I am under the impression that the scripts automatically save themselaves before the tab actually closes.

“Save to Roblox” button, right?

They should but that could be a possibly issue. Also often it will pop up saying if you wish to save the work or not.

Yes, or if you rather just publish the update right away you can do the “Publish to Roblox” one.

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