Scripts that give buildings quality

Hello, again fellow Devers.

I am exploring the scripting route of Roblox Studio and had a random thought while I was learning. I know there is a wind shake resource out there and was just wondering what other crazy programming magic are there that help give life to builds.

Respectfully sent,


I love windshake.
Some scripts I use to give it ‘life’ is things like random sound emitters ex: foliage rustling sounds playing randomly around the map, or different spooky monster sounds playing in a dark abyss.
Flickering lights.
Interact-able maps, turning off a light, opening a drawers, doors, curtains
But honestly the real game changer to give a map life is particles. Like flowing water, rain, pollen flying around, fireflies, normal flies, fog, small glows that come off of something glowing, falling leaves