How do i do this but in roblox?
Create each page and tween each page in and out of the frame simultaneously using either Frame:TweenPosition or by using TweenService.
how would i detect which way they scroll or if they scroll? can you give me a mini script example
Use UserInputService to detect when the scroll wheel is being scrolled. You can then use this to determine when to tween the frames.
Look on the devhub before posting.
You should use GuiObject.MouseWheelForward and GuiObject.MouseWheelBackward instead.
so does this work on mobile, xbox, and mac as well? they dont have mouse wheels
Is there a noticeable difference between the two? If so how noticeable?
Anything with a scroll wheel, just create the same principles with mobile and console but with a different input. E.g. When a mobile user swipes down as well as when a controller user uses a stick to scroll up or down.
so GuiObject.MouseWheel will be the same on all devices?
Yes, I believe so atleast.
That is not what I said. I said to use the same principle but for other devices such as what I listed. If what @Katrist said works then use that instead for all devices.
ok i tried following the tutorial but it doesnt seem to be working. what did i do wrong? UIGridLayout - Roblox
Write the code yourself, that script most likely isn’t what you are looking for. I gave you the instructions, it is down to you to code it. I will not be writing the code for you.
Ok. i get what your saying but this is a field i barely know. i dont even know how to tween gui becuase i havent learned it yet. im not asking you to script but correct what i copied from tutorial. I dont know how to script ui
edit; its fine. ill watch a youtube tutorial on scrolling and stuff. thank you for help though
You need to learn the basics of what you are doing before trying to make an end product.
alright. ill do some research on ui scripting and scrolling wheels. By the way, GuiObject.MouseWheel is the property for mouse wheels. what would be the property for how mobile scrolls and xbox?
I mean if you know tweenservice it’s pretty simple from there on… Otherwise take some time to read.
try a UIPageLayout
the hard part is getting it to go back and fourth by them moving the scrolling gui instead of clicking an arrow button (which would be 10x easier)