Hello there,
i need help! Im tweening some scrolling frames (like a case system)
but as you can see, if i change the resolution at sometime the scrollingframe with the marker (that indicates which item is given) just stops scrolling and stands still or it just goes to a blank space, ive tried autoscale plugins, they didnt seem to work.
UIAspectRatioConstraint would probably work like @dominik2204 adviced, however you may be using it incorrectly. What is the size of the scrolling frame? I might be able to help.
thanks, so the size is {0.552, 0},{0.128, 0}. but i dont think that may be a problem because the canvas size is the problem, it just stops at a moment but any help is appreciated
Scrolling is always weird on different resolutions. However, try applying a UIAspectRatioConstraint with a ratio of 4.3125. This makes it so that it’s always the same width on all devices.
This MIGHT fix the problem, however this might not have the desired effect you’re having
I think the UI Grid layout here is the issue, it is scaled with offset, well i want it on all sizes as the same cell size, how would i be able to do that?
You could try switching Size and Padding to use scale instead of offset. Obviously, you probably have to change scripting for it to work properly, but try testing it before scripting to see if it lands in the same spot every time.
The issue here is that on different resolutions, the scrolling frame isn’t big enough to display the whole thing.
I think doing some math could solve the problem.
-- storing the scrolling frame so that we don't have to keep referencing it
local scrollingFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.UI.Dashboard.CaseOpening.MainOpenBLUE.ScrollingFrame
-- getting the X size of the scrollingFrame in pixels
local sizeX = scrollingFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(scrollingFrame, TweenInfo.new(4, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0.5), {CanvasPosition = Vector2.new(450 - (sizeX/2), 0)}):Play()
I have no idea if this would work since I don’t have everything to work with, but I think somehow incorporating the scrolling frame’s size into the equation might help.