Scrolling frame doesn´t work in a frame [SOLVED]

  1. What do you want to achieve? I am just makin a shop, it have a scrolling frame but must be inside a frame

  2. What is the issue? I dont know why but for some reasons the scrolling bar in a specific point just broke

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried making the frame whit scale, whit offset, i don´t have more ideas.
    I just need a scrolling frame inside a frame…
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What you have to do is create a ScreenGui and put a ScrollingFrame inside not a scrolling frame inside a frame. Then scale using scale not offset.

Did you try increasing the canvas size, I think that’s the name of the property.

Not on my pc rn, sorry.


That isn’t exactly the issue, you can still use a scrolling frame inside a normal frame, I personally never had any problems doing this.

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Thanks o lot, veryb easy solution :grinning:

I’m glad I could help you!
Good luck with your projects, any problems you may be facing with UIs you can dm me on discord Silent#4099

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