Hey! I am here wanting to see how I could make a scrolling frame on the X scrolling direction change the CanvasSize based on how many frames are in it, that get sorted using a UIListLayout.
Some solutions I have tried have been Devforum, I found a couple posts about it but I couldn’t seem to figure it out, said something about UIGridLayout but I am not sure what that is or if it is necessary for my situation.
Basically I just am wondering if it’s possible and how, to make it if there are only a couple frames in the scrolling frame, that you cannot scroll at all. But if theres lots of frames in the scrolling frame, that it goes of screen that it makes you scroll only enough to see all of the frames.
Set the AutomaticCanvasSize propety to X, then set the normal canvas size to {0,0,0,0}, that’s what I always do. Roblox will then automatically calculate the suitable canvas size for you so that it can fit all the objects perfectly. In some cases, you may need to resize your frames.
I think you may have read my message wrong, I mentioned that you need to change AutomaticCanvasSize. In roblox, you are not able to change the absolute values.
Okay, I did what you said, sorry for the misunderstanding. But now when I add more frames that it takes the whole thing up, the scroll wheel isn’t coming back:
Sorry for the late response, it could possibly be the UI Aspect ratio constraint. You could try temporarily removing it to see if it works, and also the padding property on the ui list layout could cause problems as well. The automatic canvas size property is just very glitchy as you can see.
Alright. I removed the UI Aspect ratio constraint, and it fixed the issue. But is there a way to keep the constraint and it work? It just makes the UI look a lot better on mobile devices.
Hmmmm. I was playing with it a bit, and when I removed the two buttons inside the frame. (Play button and star button) it worked even with the constraint.
local scrollingFrame = script.Parent
local UIListLayout = scrollingFrame.GameTemplates.UIListLayout
scrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, 0, 0) -- This makes sure the scrolling frame is scaled when the game starts.
local function onContentSizeChanged()
scrollingFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.X, 0, 0) -- This makes sure the scrolling frame is scaled when ever there is something added into it during the game.